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  • Why is the study being done?
    The I-25 S-Curve is one of the biggest transportation safety issues in the Albuquerque area. As a result, the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) has designated it as a priority area for evaluating current traffic conditions and exploring additional alternative solutions to enhance safety along this corridor.
  • Have you considered how the final product, after construction, will affect businesses, residents, students, and other community members?
    The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires agencies to assess the environmental effects of the proposed actions when making decisions before constructing a project. Impacts to businesses, residents, students, and the community are all part of the key environmental resources that we look at.
  • How can I provide input?
    Although our formal comment period has closed, our team encourages you to share your thoughts via email at or the hotline at 505-600-2232. To see what was shared in the Winter 2024 comment period, click the link below. December 2024 Public Meeting
  • Is there a budget restraint for this project, including the acquisition of property?
    Following the NMDOT’s Locations Study Procedures, cost is considered as part of the detailed alternatives analysis. Alternatives can be evaluated for their ability to achieve the project objective and compared for cost-benefit and level of impact. After selecting the preferred alternative, the cost estimate should be refined for the DOT to identify funding opportunities.
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